Our Approach

Our Story

Craftsman Greg Byrus was originally a trim carpenter (and even a Superintendent) but he felt an internal conflict as to his real calling in life.

As much as Greg loved trim, he felt his true calling was to serve his community as a Law Enforcement Officer. Greg left the construction world to be a road deputy for the Lee County Sheriff's Department for 5 years.

In September of 2017 his world was flipped all around when Hurricane Irma flooded his house (and cop car!). After the storm passed, his family, including his brand new 3 week old baby, came home to find their house already beginning to mold in the summer heat.

Greg went into work mode and began ripping out flooring, drywall, cabinets, saving anything he could along the way. He came home from work every night and worked weekends repairing his home so his wife and kids could come back.

It was then, in the middle of all the chaos, he felt at ease. Each door he cased and baseboard he laid made him feel calm. And then the little details began, the custom cabinets, the wooden front door, the raised paneling, the beadboard wainscoting, the open shelves in the kitchen, the custom island countertop, and his wife's favorite, the shiplap.

His calm is in the build, his passion is in the details, and his pride is in the results. Now, he's doing what he loves each and everyday from this day on.

Our Story

Meet the Team

We are a family owned and operated company!

Headshot of Greg Byrus

Greg Byrus

President & Lead Craftsman

From a very young age I’ve been a Carpenter. I come by it naturally. The first thing I remember building was a Science Fair Project boat with my Grandpa Byrus. Not long after, my Grandpa Gauthier and I built a toy chest for my room.

My craft only developed from there. The older and more experienced I became, the more I realized the need for it to be absolutely perfect. Some would call me a perfectionist. My wife calls me an artist. Me? I like to think of myself as a true craftsman, but first and foremost, I like to think of myself as a family man.

I have an always supportive wife who encouraged me to turn my passion into my “job” and two amazing kids. Becoming a dad is the best thing I’ve ever done and I can’t wait for them to get old enough to teach them my craft.

Headshot of Casey Byrus

Casey Byrus

Chief Operating Officer

Much like Greg, I can be a bit of a perfectionist myself, but my skill sets are completely different than his. There is no way I could create things with my hands the way Greg does. I didn’t learn where my passion lied until college. It was a combination of school and real life experience when I discovered where I belonged.

I graduated Cum Laude from Florida Gulf Coast University with Bachelors  in Communications with a track in Public Relations, a minor in both Literature and Interdisciplinary Studies.

During college I was lucky enough to work at a small marketing company where I was able to wear many hats and gain lots of valuable experience in everything from customer service, bookkeeping, public relations, media negotiations and even helped develop a business from scratch.

The Byrus Family

Byrus Family

Ready to Get Started?

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